Popular Games

Right Click to Necromance 2

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If you are looking for a game where the main mission is to form a giant battalion, your choice is Right Click to Necromance. Use dark spells and turn your killed soldiers into zombies that will listen to all your orders and fight for you, too. So, what are you waiting for? Head to the battlefield and show what you are capable of!

Gameplay Right Click to Necromance

This project displays itself as a never-ending pastime, so the activities won’t take too long for you to learn. Guide your troops and impose them to face their foes when you think the time is right. Consider the number of both ally and enemy units, since it is possible to lose due to lack of forces in Right Click to Necromance!

Right Click to Necromance regards corpses as a singular entity, acting in unison and indivisible, necessitating the strategy of targeting smaller groups of adversaries. Strike them unexpectedly and add more undead warriors to your group.

When you see enough dead bodies on the territory, tap on the appropriate mouse button to make them rise and join you. Ensure you timely utilise your abilities to avoid being abandoned. Having more fighters increases your chances of winning in Right Click to Necromance.

Anyway, as a last resort you can fight yourself, too. Use your cane to throw harmful spells at your opponents. No need to come too close, as your magic works best on a long distance. In this game, you should consider your risks carefully, as any can result in the absolute collapse.

Make a stand against your foes

Remember that you are the commander of a mighty legion in Right Click to Necromance, thus, your task is to manipulate the whole unit cautiously and patiently. Manoeuvre between the opponents and permit your soldiers engage in the battles, as they approach their aims.

In the game fights start immediately after the encounter and last until one side falls dead. Thus, once your warriors initiate an attack in Right Click to Necromance, there’s no halting their momentum. Observe them swing fists and swords, cast spells and hit each other. Only then the game lets you harvest the corpses and increase the number of your fighters.

If you see bigger enemy troops however, it is better to retreat. Wait for them to randomly divide into smaller units and then seize a moment to attack and quickly gain victory. This amazing project is all about tactics, so turn on your logical thinking and you will succeed.